Is summer a quiet time for your business? Then it’s time to rev up your lead generation machine! Put one or more of these proven marketing tactics to work now and start getting prospects to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST your business and TRY your products or services.
Remember: marketing is all about making selling easier – if not almost unneeded. Effective marketing eliminates the need for that pushy selling that so many of us dislike. That’s what these tactics can do for you:
- Spiff up your image and tag line
- Brush up your 30-second introduction
- Create and test new calls-to-action
- Follow up on inquiries – don’t leave prospects hanging!
- Create effective social media profiles
- Run targeted ads on social media
- Seek out speaking engagements
- Build buzz with online polls and contests
- Publish newsworthy press releases online
- Connect others in your network
- Start a blog
- Send handwritten notes
- Create a quarterly e-newsletter
- Build local word-of-mouth
- Ask for testimonials
- Use testimonials effectively
- Create a capabilities presentation
- Offer free samples or demos
- Run webinars on “hot” topics in your industry
- Post tips sheets, how-to guides or e-books
- Create video clips on how to use your product or service
- Offer a gift with a purchase
- Capture and nurture leads
- Create a lower-cost, lower-risk offering
What do you think? In the Comments section, tell us what marketing tactics you’ve used to help you build KNOW, LIKE, TRUST, and TRY.
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