Optimizing Your SEO Strategy

Optimizing Your SEO Strategy

Here are our final tips to leverage Google Trends in your marketing strategy. These are a few ways to use data from Google Trends to plan and create content and optimize your SEO.

Perform keyword research

Google Trends shows you keyword data based on real-time search data—which other tools can’t.
Plugging in keywords and seeing how they trend over time can be a useful way to supplement your keyword research.

Already have a list of keywords you plan to target? You can plug them into Google Trends to see how they’ve been performing over time and whether or not they are the right choices for your strategy. You can also take it one step further by using the “Related queries” section to determine which popular keywords you should target.

Identify related topics

After entering your search criteria, you will see topics marked with percentage increases that are the “Top” trending topics, and breakout terms that are “Rising.” Breakout, or rising, topics have seen a huge increase since the last time period. This gives insight into which competitors are doing well in addition to trending topics to cover.

Build topic clusters

The “Related topics” and “Related queries” sections are effective keyword research tools. But they can also help you build topic clusters. Topic clusters are groups of related content centered around one main idea, or “pillar.” When done right, topic clustering can create a strong internal linking structure and help organize your website logically for users and Google alike.

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter series all about Google Trends. Let us know if you give any of these tools a try! 

Source: Semrush

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