I recently authored an article series on social media for professionals for the Career Catalyst section of Chemical Engineering Progress magazine. These articles are great resources, whether you are professional just starting out in social media, or a business owner who wants social media tips and techniques to grow your business.
My philosophy is to keep it simple. As a business owner or professional, you have a lot on your plate already. I write so that it’s easy for you to absorb and learn new social media and marketing tactics. Then it becomes very easy to put these ideas to work in your own business or professional career.
In “Getting Started in Social Media” you can discover the benefits of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and other social media and get practical advice on using these tools effectively, whether you’re a veteran or relative novice.
“Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career” reveals tips and techniques for using LinkedIn to establish a professional online presence, connect with others, and find business and job opportunities.
“Smart Blogging for Chemical Engineers” shares how blogs allow anyone – even people with minimal computer knowledge – to easily publish text, photos, and audio and video files on the Internet. The article offers blogging tips for sharing technical information, building thought leadership, and growing a community of followers.

Internet-based applications are changing the way we work together. In “Use Cloud Tools to Collaborate” you’ll learn how virtual tools can help project teams make decisions more quickly, reduce costs, and increase productivity.
Need help getting your social media efforts off the ground? Check out our Quick Start Social Media Coaching for professionals and business owners.
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